Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Heat Wave

It's going to be a hot one today. It will be in the 80's and tomorrow it is suppose to hit 90! I invited myself to Dori's house to use her pool. I probably won't swim but the girls will. Now I am washing clothes and trying to sort out what the girls have and what they will need for school. I bought them notebooks today at Walmart for 5 cents each. They have crayons for 22 cents. I'll probably get that stuff tomorrow-payday.
Maggie is going to babysit Gavin today. She picked up a couple of foam craft kits to do with him. She found some things from the movie Cars. That's his favorite. He just adores Maggie. Last week they were laying in the shade of a tree eating grapes. He's a cutie!
Poor Madison. She's in heat and she isn't very happy. She's a little stinky too. Right now she is belly up on the floor and Don is rubbing her belly with his foot. I guess that makes her feel better.

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