Saturday, July 26, 2008

Walking to Music

It's almost 9AM. I woke up 20 minutes ago. That is sleeping in for me!! I am getting ready for my walk. I have been walking about 30 minutes a day. I just pop on my MP3 player and hit the pavement. I found a route that takes me 30 minutes. Today I have to increase my speed through ou the walk. The music in my head help keeps me going. I have my player loaded with a wide variety-VanHalen, Aerosmith, Billy Joel and even the Beach Boys. It is a wide assortment but I now all of the songs and I kinda sing along while I walk.
On a side note, the commander of our American Legion post passed away Thursday night. He was 74. He was diagnosed with bone cancer in June. It was a quick but very painful passing. His wife was at his side. I am going to miss Tom. When I joined the color guard he taught me what I needed to know. He was a very interesting person to talk to. The American Legion was very important to him. He was always at the post doing something. His wife Darleen is past president of the Auxillary. His funeral on Monday will probably be the biggest the post has ever seen.

1 comment:

HerMajesty00 said...

Margie I didn't know you were walking that is soooooo awesome Good for you!