Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Biking in October

It was a beautiful day today. Very chilly though - only about 45. The sun was beautiful. It was a chilly ride on my bike this morning. The faster I rode to get to work, the colder the breeze. It was a no win situation. I warmed up with some coffee at the store. I had about a half hour before I started. Right after I punched in I had to inventory my cooler before I could write my order.
I never really warmed up until about noon!!
It was a nice ride home. It was still cool but the sun felt good. After I got home, I walked up to the school to get Allie. She had science club today. She is taking apart an old DVD player.
All of the kids take an appliance apart to see how it works. Then they make a presentation board and put their projects on display. They are judged by the principal and the secretaries. They are judged on how their presentation explains the project, and how neatly it is done. The 5th grade hallway is lined with all of these old appliances. It is fun to look at them.
The girls have gone up to soccer practice. The last practice of the season!!! Saturday is the last day. Unfortunately, I have to work so I will miss both games. The weather calls for sleet and snow for the weekend. I guess I don't feel so bad that I'm missing the games!!

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