Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

It is a cold and dreary day here in Northeast Ohio. I have stuff to do but absolutely no motivation. I did go to breakfast after the girls left for school. I think I'll take a hot shower and maybe that will give me a little energy. Obviously the 5 cups of coffee haven't perked me up.
Last night, Allie finally got Row, Row, Row Your Boat on the bells. She kept messing up in the same spot every time. She also learned that song at piano and messed up in the exact same spot. Last night she went back and forth between the bells and the keyboard. All of a sudden she got it-on both instruments. It was really something to see her work it out. She was so excited. Then she tried to play the bells and the keyboard at the same time. I stopped her because I thought she might hurt herself!!
Well-off to the shower and a little steam and solitude.

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