Friday, October 31, 2008


It's Halloween and it is going to be 60 degrees today. That means it will be comfortable Trick or Treating tonight. It is also nice for the kids costume parade. On Halloween, the kids parade through the Village in their costumes. It is really fun. The morning kindergarten parade through the school before their party. They go to every classroom so the big kids can see them. The afternoon class gets to parade with the rest of the school before the other parties start. The little ones sit as the rest of the school parades by them and then they join the parade at the end. The teachers always have a theme. One year the principal wore a blazer and a captains hat and the teachers and staff were sailors. The male teachers were pirates. It was cool. I'm not sure what the theme is this year. I heard something about dalmations. We will see!
This year I am helping with Chrissy's class party. For some reason I have never helped her class or gone on any field trips with her. I'm not sure why I haven't. I only started on days last year and I'm sure I helped Allie's class. Chrissy is excited and so am I.
Tonight we will all trick or treat together at least that is the latest plan. Things may change. We will all end up at Starr and Larry's Halloween Open House. They live around the corner. Don made two pies-peanut butter and a pumpkin cream. It is always a good tim.

Let me send a word of thanks to my niece Mary and Matt for ordering magazines from Maggie. It is a fundraiser for the 7th grade and it helps defray the cost of their Ohio Tour. It actually will go towards the amount Maggie has to pay. So thank you Mary and Matt!!


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