Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween Party

As I get ready for work this morning I will be sporting a new hairstyle. I will have spiked hot pink hair. Today is the halloween party at the store for the kids of Madison. The Leadership group from the Y will be there with games and tatoos for the kids. A DJ will be there and all of the departments will be handing out treats to the kids.
Giant Eagle used to hold the party at Stanton Park (think Camp Kiwanee for my family that may see this) but when we became a corporate store, we scaled it down. Last year was the first year they had it at the store and it was a big hit. We have always had trick or trearing at the store but now we have music and dancing and tatooing.
I will be a punk rocker, I have an awesome shirt (according to Magpie) and the neon pink hairspray. The deli department is going as the Mickey Mouse Club-ears and all. One year Brenda the cashier wore her bathrobe and slippers and had her hair up in curlers as she rang people out. I have always dreamed of wearing my pj's to work or maybe that is one of my nightmares!! Anyways, it should be a fun time for all.

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