Thursday, June 5, 2008

End of the School Year

Tomorrow is the last day of school for Allie and Chrissy. It is actually a make up day since they used up 1 more snow day than the 5 allowed. Maggie has school on Monday and Tuesday. MMS used 3 more days than the 5 days allowed. The middle school had two days with no power but the elementary school was in session. Maggie thought it was funny when she got to stay home when the girls had school. She's not laughing now but they are!!
Allie has the rest of her field day tomorrow. It was cut short today because of some serious thunderstorms. Don is helping out. Tomorrow Allie competes in the hurdles. Today she placed 4th in the high jump. Her class is in the lead by three points. The winning class is awarded the coveted Viking Helmet. That's why field day is referred to as The Viking Games. Mr. Kinsey won it last year. He kept the helmet in his class room for all to see. He'll put it on if you ask him!
Chrissy was suppose to go to Hidden Valley yesterday for an outing but it rained on them too. The went to the Memorial Complex for a day of games and races in the gym. Maggie just has class. Oh well, middle school isn't fun and games like elementary.
My Allie has received a scholarship for piano lessons this summer. She was selected by Mrs. Ford the music teacher at HNK. Mrs. Ford told me Allie was the first person she thought of and after watching all of the other 4th graders, decided that Allie deserved the scholarship. Mrs. Ford even found us a keyboard for Allie to practice on at home. Don and I are very proud of Allie. She worked very hard this year in 4th grade and these piano lessons are a nice reward for all of her hard work.


Her Harlequin said...

Hoo-ray for Allie - my very most favorite high jumping, long jumping, soon-to-be-piano-playing niece!!

PS: funny, those are two of Nikki's best events for her middle school track team. Way to go!

HerMajesty00 said...

Oh my gosh PIANO! Tell her I am jealous! Way to go