Tuesday, November 25, 2008

15 Pounds

I have lost 15 pounds in the past two months!! I knew I had lost some because my new jeans were now baggy on me. When I weighed myself on the scale at work it only showed a 2 lb. loss. I just figured I was toning up and building a little muscle from riding my bike to work everyday. I just weighed myself on my home scale and it showed 15 pounds less!!! Woo Hoo!! My scale here at the house was covered up in the bathroom and to be honest, I just didn't want to step on it. When I weighed in at work the other day, I was disappointed but I knew something was happening. Anyways, I feel better and people have noticed.

1 comment:

HerMajesty00 said...

Margie you are doing awesome. 15 pounds in 2 months is GREAT!