Wednesday, May 7, 2008

2 Cup Morning

Here it is:6:15 am. on my day off and I'm up!! Don has an appointment with the ENT today so he has already been picked up and is on his way. It's nice that Laketran picks him up for his appointments at the VA hospital in Cleveland. Saves us from driving in and trying to park, etc. He'll be home around noon. All of his visits have been good. Hopefully he'll only have to go every 6 months after this one instead of every 4.
My Chrissy just came down from the bedroom. She's all cute and cuddly in her sleeper pjs. She still kicks her covers off so the sleepers keep her warm. She's my only one that will still wear them. She'll probably switch to oversized t-shirts like her sisters. They don't stay little for long.
I should be a good Mom and make breakfast for the girls. I wonder what kind of cereal is in the cabinet?!
My coffee is ready. Cup# 2!!

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