Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Gas Prices

Gas is $3.75 here. It will probably go up even more before the end of the month. Today I am going to buy a bike and pedal my way to work. Instead of spending $70-$80 for one tank of gas, I can go to K-Mart and buy a bike and use it all summer long. I only work 2.5 miles away so why drive my gas guzzling van when I can just as easily ride. I have done it before, I can do it again. I need the exercise anyways. I'll save the gas for Mom's Taxi!!
I'm not sure why the type changed in the middle. I'll have to have Maggie figure it out.


Her Harlequin said...


(not about the bike - that's a good idea, I mean about being on the computer at 5:17am!!!!)

Her Harlequin said...

PS: at that point, you meant to hit [shift] & I to get a capital "I" - but instead you hit [Ctrl] I which changes the type-set to "italics"