Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mother's Day

Saturday-the day before Mother's Day. Since I have to work tomorrow, I spent this morning in bed. I was visited at various times by the girls, Don and the dog. Don made muffins this morning so Maggie brought me one in bed and Don brought me some coffee. Chrissy went out into the woods to pick me some flowers. She was still in her pj's but that's OK when you are 7. Allie wants me to wake her up at 5 tomorrow so they can make me breakfast.
Now I have to get ready for work. On my way I'll drop Don and his two beautiful peanut butter pies at the Legion post. The Ladies Auxillary is having a bake sale to raise money for the Cancer Society's Relay for Life. Last year someone paid $100 for his pies!! He was very excited about that.

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