Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is the day we stop and remember those who gave their lives for our country. I have always enjoyed Memorial Day but it became more important for me after I joined the Army 20 plus years ago. I remember the Memorial Day parade of 1976. It was the year of America's Bicentennial. I was in the 8th grade. I was picked to recite Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. I believe my sister read General Logan's orders or the poem "In Flanders Fields." By participating in the ceremonies that day, I learned how important the day is and what it means. Now that I am a veteran and a member of the Color Guard for the American Legion, the meaning of Memorial Day is even more important. We lose 1000 WWII vets everyday. There are no WWI vets left. I think the last one died a few months ago. He was over 100 years old.
I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday. Maybe you cooked out or worked out in the yard. Maybe you spent it with friends and family. I hope you spent some part of it remembering those who are no longer with us. After all,
it is the sacrifices they made that allows us to enjoy a holiday cookout with family and friends.

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